The Tearful Story of Little Puppy Lying Crying In A Box, With Many Bites On Her Back

Meet Munchkin! She is suffering in a box. Who threw her here?
This little 2 lb puppy, is in this kind of shape – that is never easy to see. It is crusty, oozing puss and so infected, that maggots are crawling out of it.

She is in pain and her little cries tell us that. We are watching her fight with everything she has, to stay alive. If she makes it overnight, she will be a miracle pup.

We immediately took her to the ER vet after picking her up. They put her on an IV, antibiotics, and cleaned the wound. We are keeping her hydrated and as cozy as possible.

Keep her in your thoughts. She sure is trying – she wants to live.

Look at our girl!!!! PERFECTION!! 🤍
She so enjoyed the beach this weekend. We LOVE her to pieces!!!

Special thanks to: Souls of Satos Rescue

#CutePuppy, #MangePuppy, #TheMoho
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