#alaskanmalamute #dogsledding #quebec #puppies
場所:カナダ・ケベック/ 撮影:2020年1月

ここで活躍している犬種はアラスカン・マラミュート Alaskan Malamute (00:15)。

人生初の犬ぞり体験 (00:51)。犬そりは、8~10頭の犬が1つのそりを引っ張る。

*Canada-Dog Sledding in Quebec! (Full length version)

■Kazuhiko Iimura「Twitter」写真あれこれ!

■Youtube sub. サブチャンネル「Kazuhiko Iimura 地球行って見たつもり」
■著書「ダブル2 夢見る自由 2020(バイリンガル版)」(Amazon Kindle :電子書籍)

■openesa「Double-The Freedom to Dream-Collection」=「ダブル2」NFTコレクション
■opensea「1990s NewYork Observer-Collection」=「NYC’90写真」NFTコレクション
■Kazuhiko Iimura「Vimeo」1990s ニューヨーク動画集

Explore Canada! Riding a Dog Sled in Quebec & Super cute puppies!
( January 2020 )
Location: Quebec, Canada
(©︎2021 Kazuhiko Iimura, Boundless Video Productions)

It is so cold in Quebec, Canada, that my ears feel like they are going to burst .
We left the city and went to the forest in the suburbs(00:01). And dog sledding!
I love the feeling of excitement that I have never experienced before. The sound of energetic dogs pulling sleds echoes through the drizzling snow.
The breed of dog that plays an active role here is the Alaskan Malamute(00:16).
These highly trained dogs are very smart and friendly(00:21).
And the puppies, they’re just adorable(00:36).

The first dog sledding experience of my life(00:52)
In dog sledding, eight to ten dogs pull a sled. The dogs are so excited as soon as the sleds were ready. They are all eager to pull the sled.

The dog sled runs through the coniferous forest and the silvery snowfield(01:19). You can feel the thrill of running through the trees at high speed and enjoy the view of the mountains beyond the snowfield. Relax and let your trusty dogs do all the work.
At the end of the video, there are newborn puppies(02:10). They are soft and cute…more than you can imagine. (Kazuhiko Iimura)

*Reproducing all or any part of the contents is prohibited.
(©︎2021 Kazuhiko Iimura, Boundless Video Productions)

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