I came across this puppy when he was 3 days old and dying. I made the choice to rescue him his 3 brothers and or sisters already died . I knew I had a up hill battle because we had no money due to my daughter and wife’s medical situations but I never imagined people would rather the 3 day old puppy die rather then help . Luckily our family vet did help and has been amazing billing us for vet visits and nurses seeing him for free and almost daily . He has been a full time job but has helped my wife mentally taking her mind off of all the bad . ObamaCare, staywell insurance doesn’t just affect the patient it affects everything and has ruined everything and has taken everything and today we are hoping people will step in and help us and donate to our PayPal . If you can read our GoFundMe story I am sorry I am not good at narrating but I tried . It’s amazing if Casey niestat said help this family we would have help , if we had a bank or store advertise about it we would get help but we don’t . And if it wasnt for my children’s god father we wouldn’t have made it this far .
PayPal diagnosticdad@gmail.com


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