You will find out at times that your dog won’t eat, this loss of appetite can be a result of countless things ranging from a serious bloating condition, organ failure or simply a mildly upset tummy, but how can you tell the difference? If you are in doubt, or are increasingly worried, then a trip to the vet is vital. Although, typically the cause for concern can be determined by observing the dog and how he behaves in his environment.

Small Dogs

In the event that you have a small dog then don’t be dumbfounded if he does not eat readily, it is very common for the smaller ones to refuse food as they burn less energy day-to-day due to having smaller bones, muscles and organs in comparison to a larger dog, never the less to double-check that the dog won’t eat because he is simply not hungry, try supplying him a new variety of food that otherwise he wouldn’t have eaten, an example might be boiled chicken, or a different brand of dog product. Take it to your dog and if there isn’t a hint of altered behaviour, then there will certainly be more to his lack of appetite than just his minuscule size.

Extremely small dogs, or toy dogs are very capable of fasting for a few days and have even been noted to fast for so long that health problems occur. If your dog is a toy then let them skip one meal, and when the second arises entice them with something new, like boiled chicken or beef, if you still find your dog won’t eat, then a trip to the vet is extremely sensible.

Signs of illness

Have you noticed your dog demonstrating other peculiar behaviours as well as the dog wont eat. There are many things you can potentially check out for yourself, such as checking his heart rate and respiratory rate, and even his temperature. If you stay onto on these things then you will know whether the dog wont eat because he is not hungry or if he is sick.

Several other methods to see if something is at fault with your dogs health is to assess the white of your dogs eyes, if they are yellow or blood-shot this could be a problem, other ailments to look for are looking at your dog’s urine, does it seem to be darker or lighter than usual and is there any blood in his stool. If you have detected any of these warning signs then a trip to the vet is critical, other wise if your dog won’t eat he is purely being a bit picky.

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