Some of the saddest times in our families lives is when they lose a much loved pet. In 1996 our darling labrador Honey died under caesarian, and left us with her 9 beautiful puppies to rear. This was such a challenge to begin with, as 9 hungry little mouths need a 2 hour feeding schedule, which means with 9 puppies this process is almost continuous. Our old dog Goldie loved puppies, and helped out with the cleaning them at first. After 2 weeks she began to lactate, and took over the huge job as mum to this hungry brood. After a few weeks we needed to separate old Goldie as it was too much for her old and frail body. Never the less she continued to love them and helped our whole family with this very important task. All puppies grew up healthy and very happy and went to good home. 3 puppies stayed in our family, and lived till old age. This was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life and one my kids will never forget.


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