So today i got a new puppy who im now obsessed with! and thanks Doremi Lira for helping me pick the name of this series!

I have had this pattern before like i showed you in the video of my dog Galaxy but not in this color.

I did have this dog a couple of days ago but I donated him just to get him back in a different color and to put him in this series cause why not hes a little fluff ball and a cutie. 🙂

Next Episode might be tomorrow if i get the chance to record but like i said this MIGHT not be a daily lets play like i normally do but i do not know when i go to my trip for 4 days with collage I’ll have to be really careful when i record cause staff and camera’s dont mix we cant record in my collage ;-; x’D but i’ll try to on my phone.

In this series I will be speeding things up with out letting you know cause i normally say ”im going to speed this up now” and then speed it up but now im not gonna say when im gonna speed it up 🙂 hehe.

I hope you like this series cause i think ill enjoy making it :D.


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