
Wasti’s Puppies Day 49 pt 2

After returning from running the adults, the puppies give me a royal welcome and get to doing some serious playing.

Big thanks and welcome to our new viewers who watched this and our other vids, and an extra big thanks to our new subscribers. You folks are awesome.

Again; If you have questions or concerns please feel free to type it out. I WILL respond every time. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Our canines are run regularly, and have their own climbing platforms. They eat ONLY raw meat and bone with the occasional Milk Bone dog biscuit, small piece of raw fish or shell fish, bone and gut. They sometimes catch their own food like rabbits, voles, small game birds, turtles, and other small animals, (if I do NOT see them hunting). I actually don’t want them hunting as it teaches them to kill, chasing away the wildlife from the property, and the fact that I like animals and just don’t want my canines killing things. It DOES happen though. ๐Ÿ™

They see a vet and get their shots, as well as check ups. I have thousands of hours of experience with these animals as a breeder and owner and keep a real good watch on their health and happiness.

I am not a very good dog trainer, this I admit. (Honestly I am not good at all). So you can appreciate the intellect of these animals when you see Imoojeesh obey the hand signals in other vids. Manitou learned all his “tricks” and the commands for them 100% by watching his father and I interact. Mani has ZERO training. ๐Ÿ˜‰ How’s THAT for smart.

Manitou also teaches the puppies, both his father and mother’s litters, and now his own. Thos puppies sit and shake because they see me commend Mani for doing it. Wasti does the same thing.

Mani learned also from his older Brother, Bookdao (who has his own slide show on this channel).



Legendary Volga Wolfhounds. Once the breed was thought to be gone forever, yet through diligence several were located and brought together in an effort to save the breed. Created as super powerful and ultra resilient urban rescue animals, they excel in everything they are challenged with, from their original purpose to a companion for autistic children, to the best family dog you could imagine and THEN SOME. Here are a few videos showing how loyal they are. I was once told that a wolfdog could not be trained to do this. Well here it is. (Although I really don’t see the big deal with just coming when called. Am I missing something?)

Check out the older vids to see three giant males romping around off leash in a 100 acre field.


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