
3rd Party puppy sales V2

Having had dogs as part of my family for many years, a subject that is very close to my heart – and I know close to yours – is puppies being sold by pet shops and by other third party sellers e.g. garden centres, dealers, private dwellings posing as breeders, etc.

It’s not only obvious, but also scientifically proven, that puppies separated from their mothers, then sent across the country (or countries) to be sold remotely from their place of birth can only prove hugely detrimental on welfare grounds to both pup and mum, and to some extent the pup’s new owners too. We also know the biggest weapon in stopping puppy farming is to ensure prospective puppy owners can only buy direct from breeders or adopt from rescues.

For years the golden (and correct) advice has of course been to always see a puppy interacting with its mum in the place it was bred. But, worryingly, according to their recent comments quoted in Dog World newspaper (11/01/17), three of the UK’s largest animal welfare organisations Dogs Trust, Blue Cross, and Battersea Dogs & Cats Home actually do not support a ban on the sale of puppies in pet shops! This not only contradicts their own advice not to buy from a pet shop and to always see a puppy with the mother, but is in direct opposition to the RSPCA’s revised position and EFRA’s recommendation to Government in November 2016 that the selling of puppies by pet shops and other third parties should be banned once and for all.

Please help close puppy farms by kindly signing the petition and sharing it. https://www.change.org/p/dogs-trust-dogs-trust-blue-cross-battersea-please-support-a-ban-on-puppies-sold-by-pet-shops?recruiter=661650263&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink


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