
Top 10 Amazing Facts About Bolognese Dog Breed – bolognese Puppies

Top 10 Amazing Facts About Bolognese Dog Breed- bolognese Puppies

The bolognese dog belongs to a family of dogs that include the maltese, havanese, bichon frise and coton de tulear.

Some breeders believe that the bolognese dog is the brightest thinker and problem solver.

Devoted and attentive, the bolognese dog shadows his owner possessively and is such a skilled reader of body language and expression that the bolognese dogs often appear telepathic.

The bolognese dog breed is a small breed of dog of the bichon type, originating in Italy. The name refers to the northern Italian city of Bologna.

Generally somewhat less active than the maltese or havanese , the bolognese dogs are nevertheless a playful and friendly breed, which will form a close bond with its owner.

bolognese puppies are also intelligent, easy to train, and eager to please, making the bolognese puppies an ideal companion dog and family pet, although it may initially be somewhat reserved with strangers. The bolognese puppies are good with children. Its life expectancy is 12-14 years.

lile the other mmbrs of the bichon frise breed havanese, maltese, and coton de tulear. The bolognese dog has a distinctive single coat (i.e. no undercoat) falls in loose open ringlets all over the body, with shorter hair on the face. The hair’s texture is woolly, as opposed to silky, and is never trimmed or clipped. The hair sheds very little, but requires regular combing to prevent matting.

Frequent brushing and bathing, required to keep the bolognese dog looking its best, reduces the amount of loose fur in the environment.

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