
Man Dog Puppies Rooster River Rescue / Victorville RAW FOOTAGE


VICTORVILLE – A man had be rescued this morning from his encampment in the Mojave Narrows Regional Park in Victorville. The river bottom area is usually dry but recent rains have flooded the Mojave River causing homeless camps to be evacuated. The rescued man stated (on camera) that he didn’t hear the warnings and the first he knew of the problem was when woke up surrounded by water this morning. He yelled for help and San Bernardino County Sheriff and San Bernardino County Fire responded. The Swift Water Rescue Team was able to evacuate the man along with his two dogs, six puppies and one rooster. The puppies were taken in by a local animal rescue shelter while the man kept his two dogs and his rooster (named Henry). There are a couple SOTs with the victim.


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