
Pepper’s Puppies Play- Start to Finish Timelapse!

Starting with a visit from Pepper, the puppies’ door is opened and out they leap!

After a mad run around, sometimes the pups hear the crinkle of their treat bag and run over to sit around me, waiting to be told ‘good sit’ and get their treat! Clever puppies.

Lots of fun playing with varied toys; tugs one session, fluffies the next and a mix for the following one, etc.! It keeps it all exciting.

There’s always one similarity each time and that’s boxes! The pups love boxes and will spend all their time in them if they could!

Then one by one they start to get tired so with a little encouragement, all head off to sleep in their pen. Wait a while for them to settle and its left to me to clear up!

Phew, what fun. Now time for the pups to sleep for a few hours before the next one!


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