
Camping With Puppies

Without question, traveling without our pups with us is just not acceptable – they’re our traveling buddies. And let’s face it most pets are just part of the family. But, you just can’t take them everywhere when you are exploring. We do take them on the normal walks around the campground, and on a few of the short ‘nature trail’ hikes, but we stopped taking them on our longer hikes years ago, as it was taking us twice as long to get through the hike. There are other areas that we also don’t take them such as – the beach (not allowed), or on our bike trips. If we’re zipping into town just to gas the truck and back, we’ll take them for a ride. But if we’re going for groceries, dinner, or sight-seeing, they stay back in the RV.

We believe that keeping your dog comfortable, goes a long way towards keeping them quiet while you’re off exploring. If the pet is surrounded by things they’re familiar with, then they’ll feel right at home. So, we go over all of the things we bring with us for our dogs that let them know, they’re home.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, please feel free to put them in the comment section below – we’d love to hear from you.

If you’d like to check out our stand-alone photos, you can find these at our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Weve.Gone.Camping

And don’t forget to hit that Subscribe button to our YouTube channel to keep track of our camping adventures! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Q-TQsfvSoMnHDS-lzlCtw?view_as=public

Norm and Phyllis


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