
My 4 months old $14000 GIANT PUPPY | CookieChipIry

Hello Cookies ?!

Today’s video is Yokai’s Q&A. I tried to answer all the questions I saw but some of them were not showing on my iPad for some weird reason ?.
I read through them again and answered to you directly under our announcement video if your question was not answered here.

? Yokai’s instagram: @yokaithegiant


Please DO NOT adopt or buy a Caucasian Shepherd if you just want a giant cute teddy bear. Yokai seems adorable in this video but he is a lot of work and as I am typing this, we just stopped a training session because he is very stubborn. He knows his commands very well but performs only if he wants to.
You need a lot of time and training if you get one otherwise you will have a killing machine that will bring you and others a lot of problems. There is a reason it is a breed that is considered difficult. Of course not all of them are aggressive but they were bred to guard ferociously and they will do so if they think there is any danger.

Real life situation that happened a few days ago: John’s best friend came to visit for the first time since we got Yokai and Yokai was definitely very aggressive, barking and trying to attack John’s friend. It took more than half an hour and a stroll in the park to calm him down. And he is a 4 months old puppy, his guarding instincts will develop more. That is why I am training him ALL the time every single day so that he becomes a manageable dog.

So if you have what it takes, by all means get one otherwise please don’t. It is very difficult to re-home a caucasian shepherd and they don’t do well in shelters. If you get one and you want to let him go, he will die. They will have to put him to sleep since no one will be able to come anywhere near him.

(ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧

Let’s get social :)!




Other Yokai videos:

Yokai’s first Christmas

John and I’s family announcement

໒( ◉ ᴥ ◉ )७ ໒( ◉ ᴥ ◉ )७ ໒( ◉ ᴥ ◉ )७
1.My ethnicity and where I am from:

2.My entire palette collection with favs and hates

? Music used is by Chuki Beats ?

Real Chill Old School Hip Hop Instrumental Rap Beat ‘Champion’ | Chuki Beats

‘All Day’ Hard Bass Piano Trap Hip Hop Instrumental | Chuki Beats



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