
How To Train Puppies || Method-3 || Dog Facts

How To Train Puppies


Teaching a Puppy to Sit, Stay and Come

Start by teaching your puppy her/his name. In order to train your puppy effectively, make sure she knows her name. Say her name clearly. When she looks at you, give her a treat. Continue doing so until she learns that when you say her name, she should look at you. Now you can use her name before issuing other commands.

Teach your puppy to sit. This is one of the easiest behaviors to teach a puppy, and almost any puppy can learn how to do it. The trick is to get your puppy to associate the act of placing her bottom on the floor with the sound of your voice saying “sit.” Tell her to “sit” in a clear, firm but friendly voice. When she does, give her a treat.
•Practice often. Sitting can be practiced inside, outside, and anywhere you take your puppy. Carry treats with you so you can turn any moment into a training session.
•Eventually phase out the treats so that your puppy can sit on command without a reward.

Teach your puppy to stay. Now that she can sit, teach her to stay seated. It’s a slightly more complicated process, but the same command and reward system is used. Tell your dog to sit, and when she does, say “stay” and wait a few seconds. If she moves, tell her to “sit,” then try again. When she successfully stays, reward her with treats and praise.
•After she has learned how to stay in one place for about 10 seconds, start walking away after you tell her to stay. If she follows you, turn around and tell her to “sit.” Say stay and walk away again. Be sure to reward her when she gets it right.
•Some puppies respond well to a hand signal with the “stay” command. Hold up your hand each time you say “stay.” Eventually your puppy may be able to stay without hearing the verbal command.

Teach your puppy to come. It’s easiest to do this with a partner. Have someone hold your puppy across the room or yard. Look at your puppy and say her name. When she looks at you, say “come” in a clear voice, and have your partner release her. Say her name again if she doesn’t seem to know what to do at first. When she makes her way to you, reward her with praise and treats. Repeat this until she knows that “come” means she should run to you.
•Make it fun for your puppy to come to you by clapping, smiling, and acting excited when she does. Teach her that coming to you is the best thing she can do.
•Practice the “come” command often in a variety of situations. It’s important that your puppy knows to come when she’s called, so that when she’s in a dangerous situation she doesn’t end up getting lost or hurt.

How To Train Puppies

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