
Preparing to “Say Goodbye” to “Puppy” . One of My All-Time Favorite Dogs

17-August-2017 . I said “Goodbye” to “Puppy” today ….. I found Puppy about 16-years-ago when he was traveling all-alone down the middle of a side street by my ice company office way back in 2001….He was in bad physical shape, and he desperately needed a place to call “home”……I immediately stopped and put Puppy beside me in my truck, and we were off on our first little trip together…..for the next 16-years Puppy went with me on hundreds of errands and ice deliveries…..He was my “main dog”, out of the 25-or so, dogs that I have rescued off the streets of San Antonio during the last 25-years…..Like almost all dogs, Puppy was intelligent, demonstrative, calculating, fun-loving and absolutlely devoted…..He was like a son to me……At the age of about 10-months, Puppy developed a severe case of Degenerative Joint Disease in his 2-front-elbows, and I took him to Houston, to have Arthroscopic Sugery in the hope of giving him as many years of enjoyable life as I could…..He did very well, and it was only in August-2017, that his left-elbow joint totally failed, and Puppy simply was unable to “get-up” and walk…..so after just about 10-days of watching Puppy struggle to get around, I decided it was best for him to be put-down…..His mind, his appetite, and his devotion were all just as intense as ever, and I was very reluctant to “let him go”…..He added so much to my life, and I miss him dearly….. Lumix FZ300 All-Auto Hand-Held . San Marcos-Texas


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