
Mastitis Dog & Puppies Rescued,China

We received a call from some concerned animal loving waitresses, from a hot pot restaurant, telling us they thought a mother dog had been hit by a car and had internal injuries. The waitresses often feed the dog and were very concerned about her and her puppies.
When our founder, Du Yufeng, and our worker, Fan, arrived at the scene, the dog was very ill. On closer inspection Du found the dog had mastitis so she gave her anti inflammatory and pain killing injections plus antibiotics. She also put a cone around the dog’s neck to prevent her licking the affected teats.
When the dog was stabilised and moved to a cooler area, before being taken back to the shelter, a couple of the waitresses took Du to the puppies.
Their mother had probably struggled to feed them given the pain she was in so the puppies will now be given milk by us until they are fully weaned. This way their mother can recover fully.
Vaccinations and medication is where the bulk of your donations are spent and they always need to be stocked. If you would like to be a part of buying these supplies for needy dogs and cats you can sponsor our work. Choose from 3 small monthly payments:-
Thank you for your support.


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