

早戀,也有叫做青春期戀愛,指的是未成年男女(一般指一八歲以下的青少年)建立戀愛關係或對異性感興趣的行為。在中國,思想傳統的長輩們與應試教育界一般認為青春期戀愛會帶來很多問題,如影響青少年的應試能力和學業成績等,或者是認為早戀常常以失敗告終,很少出現早戀能夠終身廝守的。但是,亦有教育學家和青少年家長認為早戀是青少年對男女關係的探索和學習,為將來的戀愛與婚姻作準備,不宜過份禁製或壓抑。那麼,在我們的十二星座女中,哪些星座女容易早戀呢?獅子座的女生早熟而且好面子。青春期的她們更是叛逆十足,一切離經叛道的事情都想要嘗試。早戀對她來說或許是因為好奇想要嘗試,或許是覺得早戀在同齡人面前更有面子。不管什麼原因,她都是最容易陷入早戀的星座女,可以說,幾乎每個性格沖動的獅子女都不排斥早戀。雙魚座的女生浪漫多情,對於早戀有著天生的向往。愛幻想的魚女在年幼的時候,就很喜歡美好的事物,而早戀的禁果無疑就是學生生涯中最朦朧最美好的事物了,而且魚女是那種一旦有了愛情就顧不得任何東西的人,所以一旦早戀,便會全副身心投入進去,一旦沒有結果會損失慘重。天秤座的人有時候感覺有點搖擺不定,對於自己想要的生活可能自己都不是很能確定。對於早戀,天秤座的女生更多的時候是糊裡糊塗地就陷進去,她在一開始也許沒有想過要早戀的,但是,別人一勾引,一搭訕,她就管不住自己的心了,當陷進早戀的泥沼裡,她可能還在考慮到底該不該早戀。水瓶座的女生跟獅子女一樣比較早熟,心智上更是高於同齡人,而且很注重感覺。水瓶座的女生性格好而且多出美女,不管什麼年齡,都有著很好的人緣,社交圈子廣。而水瓶又是很重感覺的人,做起事情來不顧後果,如果遇到的那個人感覺對了,她會毫不猶豫地陷進去。Puppy love, also called adolescence love, refers to the minor men and women (generally refers to a young age under eight years of age) to establish a relationship or interest in the opposite sex behavior. In China, the elders of the ideological traditions and the examination-oriented education sector generally believe that puberty love will bring a lot of problems, such as the impact of young people’s test and academic performance, or that puppy love often ended in failure, rarely puppy love can stay together of. However, there are also educators and young parents believe that puppy love is the young people on the relationship between men and women to explore and learn for the future of love and marriage to prepare, should not be excessive prohibition or depression. So, in our twelve constellations, which constellations are easy to puppy? Leo girls are precocious and good face. Adolescence they are rebellious, all deviant things want to try. Puppy love for her perhaps because of curiosity want to try, perhaps feel puppy love in front of their peers more face. For whatever reason, she is the most likely to fall into the puppy love of the constellation of women, it can be said that almost every character impulsive lions do not exclude puppy love. Pisces girls romantic passionate, for the puppy love has a natural yearning. Love fantasy fish in the young, it is like the good things, and puppy love forbidden fruit is undoubtedly the most obscure things in the most beautiful things, and the fish is the kind of love once they can not take anything Of the people, so once puppy love, will be fully physical and mental into it, once the results will be heavy losses. Libra people sometimes feel a little wavering, for their own life may not be able to determine their own. For puppy love, Libra girls more time is muddleheaded into her, at the beginning may not have thought to puppy love, but others a seduce, a strike up, she could not control their own heart, When caught in the maze of puppy love, she may still be considered in the end should not puppy love. Aquarius girls with lions like a relatively precocious, mind is higher than their peers, and very attention to the feeling. Aquarius girls are good and more beautiful, no matter what age, have a very good popularity, wide circle of social circles. And the water bottle is a heavy feeling of people, to do things to disregard the consequences, if the person felt the right, she will not hesitate to fall into it.


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