
Pekingese Puppy Care – Important Tips Of Taking Care Of A New Born Pekingese Puppy

Pekingese Puppy Care – Important Tips Of Taking Care Of A New Born Pekingese Puppy

The mother of the newly born Peke understands the needs of the newborn puppy even in cases where it has never interacted with pups. They instinctively know what the puppy wants and will always meet the needs. The newborn baby communicates through whining because the eyes are still closed and may not see anything.

They produce a sound like a cat which helps them to keep in contact with their mom and other siblings. Whenever they feel hungry, they shrill softly and will try to get to their mother. The dogs cannot regulate their body temperature and so should be kept away from cold, air conditioning units and heat ducts. They are weak and do not move around a lot. They become stronger as days go by and will open their eyes at the end of the second week and become very active. The owner needs to ensure that the bitch has enough space to avoid crashing the little dogs.

After two weeks the dogs are strong enough and can move about with ease. The mother takes this opportunity to get away for a few minutes. Ensure that the whelping box is not so tall and can allow the mother to get in or get out without crushing the younger Peke. The owner should be on the lookout for signs of dehydration. If the puppies develop sharp nails, they should be clipped. The dogs do not need cleaning since the mother will do the job using her tongue. She will lick the pups in the stomach, tail area, and anus to help stimulate them to relieve themselves. However, it is important that you still keep the place neat and clean.

It is recommended that you avoid using any material that is laced with any form of chemical which can injure the puppies. Old towels, paper towels or newspapers may be used. Keep the lining clean and change them on a daily basis. If the puppy gets soiled with poop, ensure that you wipe it with a wet piece of cloth. The newborn pup should never be given a full bath and ensure that you never wet the coat.

If your Peke is pregnant, it is important that you prepare and learn how you will take care of the puppies before they are born. Remember the puppies need to be vaccinated to prevent infectious diseases. Talk to your local vet or subscribe and watch our channels to learn more about immunization in Peke.


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