
幼犬吃什麼狗糧好-Puppy eat dog food good


Puppy eat dog food good

Juvenile eating milk is more nutritious
Juvenile period is the dog’s rapid growth stage, especially in large dogs, is an important period of rapid growth of the body. In the nutritional aspects of the owner do not sloppy, in addition to choose the right dog food, but also appropriate to add some additional nutrition, such as the prevention of calcium deficiency and the like.
Puppy eat dog good? For puppies, it is recommended to feed a relatively high nutritious milk cake. The nutritional level of the milk cake is higher than that of the ordinary puppy food, but also can meet the growth demand of the puppy better. In the milk inside the cake, the royal milk cake is good, basically used the user’s evaluation of the royal jelly are also good.
But the consumption of milk cake should not be too long, the general feeding to 6 months or so has been almost the same. After you can feed the ordinary puppies food, and some dogs have been adult but still eat milk cake, in fact, is not much necessary, but this may lead to excessive nutrition problems.
As for the selection of puppies after the election according to their actual situation to choose, if the economy allows then to choose a relatively good amount of imports. But for the dog food is not necessarily expensive to buy, and some expensive dog food is not necessarily suitable for their own dog. After the dog after eating the effect may not be particularly good, and some may appear soft stools, stools and other related issues.
So even the mid-range dog food, as long as the dog eat the effect is good, looks good, it is also a bad idea is not a good choice. In addition is to pay attention to grain order step by step, puppies feeding Eat small meals, feeding 3-4 times a day.


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