
Poor little puppy – Spoken word

So sorry that I’ve been inactive on my channel for so long. If I get good feed back then maybe I’ll start posting more actively lol , let me know what you guys think & I hope y’all like it ??.
Poor little puppy I say
You explore only as far as your 12 inch leash let’s you
But it’s okay because restriction is a collar I wear too,
Poor little puppy I say
Your owners put a muzzle on you to stop your bark
But it’s okay puppy because America stole my voice too
Poor little puppy I say
Always forgiving those who neglect you
You heal your own wounds
And still you find a way to love whoever gives you attention
But me , I hold grudges like monkey bars that I never really learn to let go of
Poor little puppy I say
Relying on another to feed you and bathe you
If there’s any advice I give to you,
It’d be that reliance is like a cigarette,
You get addicted to the habit
Poor little puppy I say
You are planted like a seed , expected to blossom like a flower
But instead you blossom like poison ivy,
And everyone’s afraid of you
Poor little puppy I say
I see you are getting tired
And so am I
Of feeling like our lives are a rainstorm
That keeps on pouring and we can’t do anything but watch it rain harder
Poor little puppy I say
We were running away from “home” in search of home
And here I have found you
& here you found me
And here we have found home in each other

About a girl who wants to glorify her life next to a dogs but by the end of the poem she realizes they are more similar than different and found each other in search of home


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