
NC sheriff’s office puppy raffle causes social media firestorm

CLEVELAND COUNTY, N.C. — For over a decade, the Cleveland County Sheriff’s Office has done a raffle to raise money for its K-9 unit.

However, the fundraiser caused a firestorm on social media this year when people learned the raffle prize was a German shepherd puppy.

It all started with a Facebook post on the Cleveland County Sheriff’s Office page promoting the raffle.

The Facebook post read: “Here is the K-9 (German shepherd) we will be selling tickets for at the fair this year. Tickets are $1 and we will raffle off last day of fair. A 10×10 kennel and dog house will come with the puppy. We will also be selling t-shirts and sweaters.”

The sheriff’s office was soon flooded with concerned phone calls, emails and social media comments. Many worried the puppy would either go to a bad home or to a home that isn’t prepared for the commitment.

Three days after the original post, the sheriff’s office announced the annual raffle has been canceled.

Cleveland County Sheriff Alan Norman was not available for comment Friday.


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