
Puppy Got Hit by Car so Suffered, Watch His Happy Ending!

Poor puppy suffered from injured back legs caused hit by car for days and didn’t receive treatment on time.

He has tried to drag his body along the street and screaming for help until met rescuers and they’re quickly sent him to a clinic.

His back legs were completely broken and even too much pain because the wounds were larger while he tried dragging.

After performed x-ray they found the bones were broke up and might need long time of treatment.

Veterinarian have provided IV treatment and he’s getting better from day to day even no need to cut the legs.

It’s almost five months in treatment and daily physical therapy he was able to walk again and very playful.

He has been adopted to new warm house and his life could be happy ever. It’s an incredible of treatment that made poor boy walked again and enjoyed his life.

Courtesy: จรินทร์ ไทยอุทัย


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