
Puppy Vaccination

This is a how to video for vaccinating puppies yourself. It costs about $7 for the one I used. It’s a pretty simple process. All you need to do is mix the parvo virus with the other bottle of the powder vaccines and shake them up until they are completely mixed together. It makes it easier if you inject a little air into each bottle before drawing out the fluids. Once done instructions for this vaccine say you need to inject 1 milliliter into your puppy. You will need to pinch the skin and insert the needle just below your puppies skin surface. Before injecting vaccine into your puppy you will need to draw back on needle to make sure no blood comes into the needle. If it does you will need to pull the needle out and retry as you do not want to inject directly into the dogs blood stream. Once you have found a spot that does not allow blood to draw into the needle you can then slowly inject the vaccine into your dog. Once completed you can take a napkin and gently massage the injection site. This completes your at home vaccination.


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