
Puppy Training 101: How to Raise a Puppy to Become an Obedient, Well Behaved, and Loving Dog

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Written by Theodore Davis
Duration 1 hr and 15 mins

Do you want to buy a puppy? Are you sure?
Because raising a puppy is a lot of work. Puppies are cute and adorable for a reason; if they weren’t… who in their right mind would spend 24 hours a day feeding them, cleaning up after them, and listening to them whimper and cry? Unfortunately, that is why a lot of dogs end up in humane societies and rescue groups: When the “cuteness” wears off, they are still dogs who need to be trained, groomed, fed, and loved on a daily basis. Puppies also are demanding, and they want a lot of attention at all hours of the day and usually in the middle of the night. You need to manage a puppy’s environment 24 hours a day, so that he does not chew anything and everything in sight, pee from one end of the house to the other, or run into the street and get hit by a car. A puppy must be housetrained and obedience trained. He needs guidance and direction, so that he doesn’t bark all night, chase other animals, or dig holes in your newly planted rose garden.
So, training a puppy is rewarding and a life-changing experience, but a lot of work. If you want to do it properly, then this book is an excellent choice for you!
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