
How to train a labrador retriever puppy to fetch


Does your Labrador Retriever refuse to fetch a ball? Do you often wonder “how DO I teach my Labrador to fetch?”

You are not alone!

Although Labradors are born retrievers, not all of them are always keen to do so.

Many Labrador puppies will chase after a ball and pick it up. Some will bring it back, at least part of the way!

Here are 4 easy steps you can train your labrador retriever puppy to fetch:

1. Start your game by asking your puppy to sit.
2. Throw the toy a few feet away, release your dog, tell him to go get it and bring it to you and drop it
3. If your dog stops at a step and waits for their treat, just be patient and hold out. See if they move to the next step and connect the dots. Don’t treat too quickly. Give them time to problem solve.
4. If your Labrador is still unable to put everything together, move back to where they are getting stuck and train on this part again.

We’ve got plenty more tips for you to help you train your labrador retriever puppy:


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