

My puppy, Little Bear, loves to hang from things. We believe she may have been a bird in a past life, as sometimes it appears she’s attempting to fly. Anyway, today I’m teaching everyone how I fish for puppies, or in this case, fish for little bear. Having a puppy is always fun, but also hard work. She has lots of energy to burn before bed, which is generally when i go fishing. Hope everyone enjoys!


1 – plush or rope toy puppy can firmly grasp. Today I’ll be using a plush crinkle egg.
2 – one or more puppies. today I’ll be using a jack Russell terrier.

As of posting this video, Little Bear is 10 weeks old. For all those wondering she’s a Jack-A-Ranian, also known as a jack Russell terrier and Pomerania mix.

*** disclaimer ***
Little Bear let’s go when she’s done hanging. She actually lifts her feet to dangle. Once her feet are lifted I will lift her higher, but I don’t force her off the ground. Sometimes she’ll jump from the couch to a toy, grab on, and just hang there.


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