
Why is my dog so hyper – Angel – Golden Retriever Hyper Puppy

Do you have a hyper puppy or a hyper dog? He won’t stop jumping, biting and playing? Hyperactive puppies have a lot of energy and they need exercise and attention, but they also need to learn to settle down and stop playing when you as them to.

Angel – The golden retriever puppy was one such puppy who had bouts of such hyperkinesis – running excitably for no apparent reason – generally during certain times of the day. We used to wonder when do puppies settle down or at what age do puppies calm down. We also had questions as to why are puppies so hyper or why is my dog so hyper and how to train your dog to calm down. Where there any dog calming food or natural dog relaxant? Could we try dog calming treats or calm aid for dogs or dog training treats? Fortunately, for us, Angel soon grew up to a more subdued personality! No dog anxiety treatment was needed because there none!

We realized that most if not all puppies have certain time-table of such hyperactivity and they grow out of it soon. Some positive methods to calm a dog down (hyper puppy training) is:
1. Stay calm yourself – a calm leader commands a calm dog!
2. Ignore – for the most part this activity. Positive attention will result in a bad dog.
3. Since you will come to expect a “time table” for your puppy’s hyperactivity, be prepared – All of the household needs to be calm without much evident active action or talking.
4. Give some time – puppy needs to vent out its energy.
5. Energy reminds me – Is your puppy well exercised? Could he do with a bit more of running during the day?
6. Reward a calm puppy – once the puppy is settled, still staying calm, give a small bit of treat. Soon puppy will realize calmness means treat.
7. Later add the word command of something like “settle” or “calm” along with the treat. Remember do this after the dog is calm and not before.
8. Pratice – slowly changing your command timing from after to during to just before she gets hyper.
9. Finally give your puppy some time to grow up. She will settle down as she grows without any repercussions and a more obedient dog following your command.

Channel – https://goo.gl/r2777u
Best Of Cute Golden Retriever Puppies Compilation, Kids Vlogs, reviews, cooking, and more by kid youtuber / kid vlogger who wants to be one of the top 10 youtubers!

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