
Picking up our new Puppy – Shadow

This is my first vlog on my new channel. This was from when my Mum and I went and picked up my sisters Service puppy from the airport. The poor thing was in a huge crate in the cargo hold on a freight plane.

My sister is currently in rehab recovering from one of the most disturbing domestic violence cases The Shire has ever seen. The putrid animal that inflicted some of the worse forms of physical and mental abuse is in jail awaiting trial for this case as there are countless charges against him.

I will be vlogging parts of the day to day things that not only my sister has been through but also the rest of our family and friends, have and are going through because of this violent domestic offenders has done and thought he could get away with it.

I will have to leave a lot of it out until he is sentenced due to the case not been heard as yet, but I want to help educate people who are going through a similar thing or like me trying to make someone realise this person who “Loves” them is going to eventually kill them.

* Please if you know anybody that you think is in a domestic violence relationship, has physical signs, frequent ER visits or has just been cut off from their family and friends ‘because nobody loves them as much” as the abuser does – Please report it or talk to your local DVLO because not everybody has a sister like me that isn’t scared to stand up to a piece of crap like the animal that nearly killed my sister!!!

Subscribe to my channel here! – http://bit.ly/2n62G08

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ALL BUSINESS ENQUIRIES: itsndeane@gmail.com


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