
Cute Puppies Feeling the Monday Blues Compilation | Watch this if you Feel it too

Puppies are extremely cute. They are very active and eager to learn things each day. Bringing a new family member is always a moment of joy, but it also implies responsibility. Just like children, they need several hours of rest daily for a proper brain development. A sleeping puppy is always a nice view, but at the same time you must be aware of the signs it transmits.

The first night with the little one can be stressful and hearing it cry can make you feel guilty. In this post, you can find valuable information that can help you look after your puppy and raise it the best way possible.

The first thing that you need to understand is that sleeping, or taking a nap is completely normal for dogs, regardless the age. If you are wondering if puppies sleep a lot, the answer is yes. While an adult requires about 14 hours of rest daily, puppies need 18 to 20 hours. This is part of the growing system and a healthy evolution. They develop physically incredibly fast, and this requires an impressive amount of energy.

At the same time, there are many places they must get familiar with and countless things to learn, including commands. This means that they discover new rooms, people, or even other pets when they are awake. You must take advantage of this time to model the behavior in a constructive manner.

The sleeping routine of dogs develops as they get older. Puppies are known to be extremely energetic until they shut down almost instantaneous. The breed plays a major role in the sleeping habit of your puppy. It can be more or less active during the day, compared to others, but this is not something that needs to concern you. What you need to be aware of, is that the sleep is incredibly deep. This means that you can pick them up, cuddle them or move their paws, and they will not feel a thing.

However, it is not a good idea to wake them up on purpose, simply to play with them. Resting is extremely important for a proper development, even if it falls asleep while eating.
If you are wondering how much a puppy should sleep, you need to know that they require a minimum of 17 hours per day. The rest of 7 hours can be used to set up a schedule. You can use it for walks and easy to learn commands, like their name, sit and come here. It is also a good idea to teach your puppy to calm down after playing with it, as part of the future discipline.

At the same time, you must provide a safe environment for the little one. This means that you can allow it to sleep in the same room with you, but make sure you avoid cuddling it when it cries, as this can turn into a habit that you will most likely not appreciate when the dog becomes an adult.

The Habits of A Sleeping Puppy: How Much Should A Puppy Sleep


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